Interview with SLP Clinical Supervisor: Kari Lim

  • Interviews with Therapists
  • By Kari Lim
  • Published on September 11, 2023

As a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) and clinical educator with over 15 years of experience, Kari Lim has worked in many different settings with clients across the lifespan -hospitals, nursing homes, public schools, preschools, and more.

She has worked with professionals and clients all over the world. Her passion for globalization in the field has led her to Zambia, Guyana, Ghana, Mexico, Nepal, South Korea, and Cambodia to mentor, teach, and supervise students and practitioners.

Since 2011, she has taught and supervised at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Her areas of interest and expertise in Speech-Language Pathology are accent modification, public speaking, pediatric language, international collaboration, and clinical education.

Kari self-published the book Speaking With an American Accent: A Guide to General American English Pronunciation and it is available on You can find her on Instagram and Teachers Pay Teachers @Global_Speechie. You can read her weekly blog posts on

She lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband, Alex, and enjoys working on her creative projects and dog walking through the Rover app, while listening to her favorite podcast, “Crime Junkie.”

What did you go to school for?

BA- Communication Sciences and Disorders, MS-Speech-Language Pathology

What is your current job title and how has that changed since you first started working?

Clinical Supervisor and Speech-Language Pathologist. My primary role at GW is to supervise graduate clinicians in the MA program. I started out as the pediatric language track supervisor and moved to the accent modification track over 5 years ago. I still see private clients both in the community and online whose parents are placed abroad through the State Department. I love the flexibility of our job! I enjoy staying busy and working in different settings, the connections I have made in DC has allowed me to have the best of both worlds- teaching and practicing.

What are some different roles you’ve held since becoming a therapist?

Clinical educator; adjunct professor; content creator at, Instagram, and Teachers Pay Teachers; self-published author; and study abroad creator and leader.

What would you share with someone who wanted to find a position like yours or build a company/brand such as yours?

Say yes to everything! You never know what doors will open. Through my work at GW, I found the opportunity to work with clients abroad. I also had the ability to start the study abroad program and work/travel internationally.

These opportunities have also allowed me to create content that I enjoy- a book, blog, Instagram posts.

What would you share with someone who is starting their journey to be a therapist?

Be open to all opportunities. You never know where they will lead. You also don’t really know what your interests are until you dive in and explore for yourself.

What are you most passionate about with your role as a therapist?

I love seeing clients make progress and meet their goals.

Anything else you’d like to share about yourself and your journey to where you are right now?

My husband and I are starting a family very soon. I plan on incorporating that experience into my online content by sharing more about language and feeding milestones.

What are ways our readers can connect with you and follow what you are up to?

Connect with Kari and explore her work:


Instagram: @Global_Speechie

Teachers Pay Teachers:

GWU Study Abroad Program: